Listen to Romans 15 Podcast
Understanding Romans 15 Podcast: Accept One Another as Christ Accepted You
The Romans 15 provides a comprehensive Romans 15 commentary, highlighting that as born again Jewish or Gentile Christians, we should accept each other.
Romans 15 and Commentary
Romans 15 is a pivotal chapter where Paul addresses the church in Rome that we should not judge one another. God is the judge of all people and will do so on the Great White Throne Judgement.
Insights in Romans 15
For those looking to gain a deeper insight into New Testament teachings, this episode serves as an excellent resource. It offers a thorough exploration of Romans 15 while situating it within the larger framework of biblical prophecy and inclusive salvation. This approach aids both believers and seekers in grasping the universal nature of Jesus’ message.
The Body of Christ: Inclusive Teachings to All in Romans 15
In the body of Christ, both born-again Jews and Gentiles are united through faith in Jesus, transcending their cultural and ethnic differences. This unity reflects the fulfillment of God’s promise to bring salvation to all people, breaking down the barriers that once divided them. Together, they form a diverse community where all believers are valued equally, sharing in the blessings of grace, love, and purpose in Christ. This new identity emphasizes the inclusivity of the Gospel, highlighting that all who are reborn in Christ are part of one body, called to love and serve one another.
Various commentaries Provide Rich Insights:
Engaging with Romans 15 can be deeply enriching. Utilizing resources like study guides, sermons, and theological commentaries provides a structured approach to understanding this chapter. These tools assist believers in comprehending God’s guidance for how they are called to live.
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Podcast Transcript
Transcript of Romans 15 Podcast
Wanna discover your freedom in Christ? Then listen in as Mike Stone and Kevin Smith talk about it today on Grace Coach. Welcome to Grace Coach. My name is Kevin Smith. I got my best friend, Mike Stone, with us today.
What's up, Mike? Hey, Kevin. Good to be here. Good to see you. Good to see you too.
Good to be seen. Hey. We're in chapter 15 of Romans. And through this whole podcast series in Romans, you know, we kinda hear a lot of the same thing over and over. Paul keeps on discussing these 2 distinct people groups, Jews and Gentiles.
And he emphasizes, their differences, but also some similarities too. Chapter 1 and 2, we read that both the Jews and the Gentiles were without excuse. That's because both of them are born the same way, spiritually dead in Adam. Yeah. In chapter 3, he Paul says that no one is good.
No Jew, no Gentile. They're all unrighteous. They all have fallen short of the glory of God. In chapter 5, Paul writes that spiritual death again has come to all people, both Jew and Gentile, but both could be saved by his resurrected life if they put their faith in him. Chapter 8 says there's no condemnation for those who are Christ Jesus.
Chapter 9 talks about the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness, but have received it. And the Jews who did pursue a law of righteousness did not receive it. Why? Mhmm. Because they pursued the law as a mean of righteousness and they did not attain it.
And we see that today. Chapter 11, we see that salvation was going to come to the Gentiles who were not a nation. The Jews were a nation. But it says in the scripture that God did that to make the Jews envious and jealous. Mhmm.
Yep. Right? Chapter 12, Paul's talking more about love that we should love each other, both Jews and Gentiles who are born again, put aside your differences because when you come to Christ, God places you in the body of Christ. Christ is the head. We're the body.
Wherever we're from, whatever our background is, it doesn't matter. Chapter 13, the key verse there was that we should let no debt remain outstanding except the debt to continually love one another. Amen. Chapter 14, as we did our last podcast, Paul says, stop judging one another. Well, that's what, you know, the Jews and the Gentiles were still doing.
Some Jews who came to Christ still might have been under the law and still judging the Gentiles, but what they do, what they eat, the days they celebrate Mhmm. You know, and all this. So that kinda brings us to chapter 15. I think with that summary, we could really see chapter 15 much more clearly. So let's start.
An incredible summary, incredible 50,000 feet summary. You didn't get too into the weeds. Just hit the high points of the chapters. Great job. Yeah.
Thank you. I love doing that because it just puts it in context. And like I said, just before we got on the the podcast here that I started reading chapter 15, and I'm thinking, you know, where does this fit in? How do what does this mean? And I just remembered to go to chapter 14 that led me to 13 and all the way to chapter 1.
So Yeah. As I was preparing too, I saw a lot of themes, also loving one another, unity in Christ, all the themes that he's been just hammering through the whole time. As I was looking at it, I really felt like the review or not necessarily the review, but this is really because when Paul wrote this, he did not have chapters and verses. This was just a letter. A lot of people don't really you know, that's not in your mind.
You look at chapter 14, and you go to 15, and you got okay. This is a whole different thing. Well, no. Not really. It's it's, it could be a transitional thought, but most of the time, he's just connecting his thoughts from one chapter to another, and the people who wrote the bible just had to put a chapter somewhere.
Yeah. Exactly. And they picked the most logical places. But I think that this is, chapter 14 and 15 are really connected. I think Paul is still talking about the same issue, like you mentioned, the Jews and the Gentiles.
The Jews being, the weaker brothers who were not able to exercise their liberty in Christ. And the gentile believers who were never under the law, didn't know who Moses was, they were not that was not even an issue for them. You know, they were free in Christ. And so I think he is still trying to bring this home here, and I'll go ahead and read the first three verses here. Romans chapter 15 1 through 3 says, now we who are strong ought to ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.
Each of us is to please his neighbor for his good to his edification. For even Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, the reproaches of those who reproach you fell on me. Alright. So, obviously, that is a quote from the Psalms. Basically, saying if it hurts you, it hurts me.
That the insults of those who insult you have fallen on me. Right? Somebody hurts you, Kevin, says something to you about your faith or who you are, it bothers me too, especially if it's done in front of both of us. So what I would say is that in verse 2, which I think is probably one of the big points that Paul is hopefully trying to, you know, beat through these people's heads, and I'll just reread verse 2. It said, each of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to his edification, for even Christ did not please himself.
Chapter 14, we talked about how we should give up our freedoms for our brother. Okay? That was the that was kind of the crux of the issue. If you see your brother who's struggling with, you know, not eating shrimp, you know, you don't wanna go eat shrimp in front of him. If you say somebody's, you know, having to go to church on Sunday and worship at the holy days, don't make it a big deal.
Don't cause division. But when I read this, and I saw what it says, each of us is to please his neighbor for his own good. And I started thinking about what does he mean for his own good? Do you think Paul was saying, you should just deny yourself all the things that you enjoy doing just to make the person you are in relationship with not feel bad. I think it's much deeper than that.
Now, of course, that is that is definitely for sure on the surface what he's trying to say. But what I think he's trying to say, especially when it says this next section says, to his edification. What what is the best way we could edify somebody who is under the law, not enjoying the liberty in Christ. Yeah. And the only way, Kevin, you're gonna be united.
The only way that you're going to be built up is to understand the scriptures. As I understand that I am born again, I am saved. Once Christ is in me, he won't leave me. I'm completely forgiven, no longer under the law. To help others with that because so many people struggle with all of those things.
They think once they're saved they could lose their salvation, that if they sin they need to ask God to do what he's already done, and ask them to forgive them over and over, not understanding freedom we have in Christ and the good news of the gospel. So that's how to build each other up. And that's how we're gonna finally have unity with one another whether we're Jew or Gentile or whoever we are. It's Yep. In our understanding of the scriptures.
And I think in verse 4, he says that for everything that was written in the past, that's referring to the old covenant Sure. Was written to teach us. So that through endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide that we might have hope. Because that's the only hope we have, is the hope that we have in the scriptures about what happens when we die. The rapture when it comes, you know, look at the turbulent times we live in today.
Yes. You know, and to know this truth that really sets us free, that's endurance. That's how we hang in there when things get hard, whether it's our family, our relationships, our career, social life, health, finances. The only way to hang in there and to have endurance is the word of God. Yeah.
Jesus Christ is our only hope for eternal life. There is no other hope. Yeah. And James, one says this clearly, 12 through 4. And it says, consider a pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.
Why? Because you know that testing of your faith produces perseverance. Now that perseverance isn't just hanging in there, you know, just hoping, you know, I make it through the day. It's the perseverance in the word of God to hang in there. That is the key to peace and joy and hope and and endurance and hanging in there.
Yes. And I I think that it's also just living a surrendered life. But when you live a surrendered life, it allows you to endure the hard times that come at us in the world. When we give up our rights to be right, you hear this all the time in our country now. I have the right to do this.
I have the right you can't take my right away from me. Well, as believers, that is our greatest weapon to give up our rights. When somebody wrongs you, you have a right to them not to wrong you. You have a right for them not to steal from you. But when you give up that right, it takes that power away from them.
Yeah. They say, hey. It's painful, but we're gonna make it through. And Yes. You know, we have our hope in something else other than people, places, and things.
Right? Amen. That is the hope of heaven one day. I'll read 5 through 9. May the God who gives endurance, that's just what we're talking about, and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind towards each other that Jesus Christ had.
So that one mind and one voice, you may glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Accept one another, not just love one another. You know, I love this thing where it says, accept one another because love without acceptance is dead. You need to love one another, but also accept one another. So he says, accept one another.
Again, we're talking, he's talking about the Jews and Gentiles for you to accept each other just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God. For I tell you that Christ have has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth so that the promises made to the patriarchs might be confirmed and moreover that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written, therefore, I will praise you among the Gentiles. I will sing the praises of your name. And again, praise the Lord, all you Gentiles.
Let all peoples extol you. And again, Isaiah says the root of Jesse, that's Jesus, will spring up. 1 who will rise to rule over the nations. In him, the Gentiles will hope. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace when as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. That's a that's a mouthful right there, brother. It is. And he's talking clearly, Jews.
He's saying that he became a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, and also talking about the Gentiles that they might glorify God for his mercy. He's talking about all people here, and put aside your differences and accept one another. Absolutely. I mean, it goes back to this whole, you know, disputable matters thing in in chapter 14, and this constant bickering from the Jews wailing on the Gentiles for them not doing what they thought they should be doing. And Paul is just saying, let it go, brother.
Just, you know, accept one another in Christ. Just like Christ accepted you. Christ laid he was god in the flesh, came to earth. Philippians 27 says he emptied himself of all his god godliness, took the form of a man. So that is the model that that we have.
God came to earth as a man emptied himself. Alright? So can't we just get along and that one another? Accept each other as just as Christ accepted you. But, you know, just look at today.
Look at look at Israel today. Just being hated by every country, every Gentile country around them. Mhmm. And, gosh, even even if people, Palestinians and and people from Lebanon came to Christ, and there are probably a number of Christians in those countries, but they still have to put aside a lot of differences too even in in Christ. And so Paul was obviously seeing this in Rome.
Why don't you read, verse 14 and 15, Kevin? Alright. And concerning you, my brethren, I myself also am convinced that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able also to admonish one another. But I have written very boldly to you on some point so as to remind you again, because of the grace that was given me from God, to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, ministering as a priest the gospel of God so that my offering of the Gentiles might become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit. You know, the guys, Kevin, who knew Paul when he was a Pharisee, okay, If they could read what he wrote about, I'm going to the Gentiles.
I'm a minister to the Gentiles. They would just freak out. Well, they were freaking out. Yes. Dude, don't you think that there were some of the head Jews in this church?
I've I've totally believe well, no. I mean, they're all in Jerusalem. I have to retract that, but I'm sure there had to be some really high up there people who just believe that strong Judas they might have been the leaders of the Jerusalem church in Rome, but they were definitely strong believers living the law there in Rome that he was speaking to. Man, he he was taking it on all fronts. How about it?
And that word sanctified, we saw in the last verse in verse 16. You know, that word is thrown around a lot that come to Christ, God is sanctifying you like it's a process, but, no, sanctification means you're set apart. What are you set apart from? Well, you're set apart from all the the world and lost people. Right?
You're set apart at the moment you're born again. You are sanctified and set apart right then. It's not a process. It's something that happens to you when you put your faith in Christ. Yep.
And he's got a plan for your life and a path to what he's good works for you to walk in, you know, Romans talks about. Alright. Why don't you take 17 there through, 22, Kevin? Alright. Therefore, in Christ Jesus, I have found reason for boasting in things pertaining to God.
For I will not presume to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me, resulting in the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the spirit, so that from Jerusalem and round about as far as Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of Christ. And thus I aspire to preach the gospel not where Christ was already named, so that I would not build on another man's foundation. But as it is written, they who had no news of him shall see, and they who had heard not shall understand. 18 says, thou not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me. Yeah.
And and, you know, it's this thing with Christ living in you. You don't hear that very much. That Christ is actually alive living in you. Well, that makes sense then that he's gonna accomplish something through you if he's living through you. But really, if Christ is doing the work, we can't burn out if it's his work, and he's accomplishing it.
Paul says that. I labor not in my strength, but in God's strength. I think he says that in Philippians or Ephesians or something. I think it's Colossians. I have it written down 129.
It's his energy Yes. Works so powerfully in me. I had a 5050 chance. You know? Cool right in the neighborhood.
Yeah. So Paul also loved loved to go into new areas where people never heard of Jesus. Right? You know, in verse 19 go ahead. Go ahead.
Finish your thought. I'm sorry. No. I'm envious of that because, you know, we've spent, you and I, a lot of time going into different Christian churches where it's it's not easy. There's a lot of stuff to that needs to be undone.
Right? They think they're still under the law. They still think they need to do something to get right with God. They're not sure if they're forgiven or not. Well, if you talk to somebody who never heard of this, a lot easier to proclaim the full gospel.
I know for me, I never heard of anything in Christianity. So when I heard all this good news, I had nothing to fight in my mind against. Yeah. You were not a faithful Jewish little boy living under the the Torah. No.
But I also didn't know a thing about Christianity where you grew up more in a Christian home. But story is that you had you're under the law a little bit. And Yeah. You know what? My thing was, sad to say, I probably identify my growing up as many, many, many people in our country that I was just going to a mainline denominational church just hearing a very be good, do good message, and it wasn't the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I was clueless. When I when the guy in my my coworker led me to Christ back in 1980, I didn't have a clue what he yeah. I'd never heard that before. And for sure, never saw the peace that he had and, the evangelist that led me finally to Christ. That's my coworker told me about Christ, but this evangelist eventually led me to Christ.
Anyway, the point is is that there's many people that go to Christian churches, so called Christian churches, who do not hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly, which is sad. And that's why we're doing this podcast. So That's right. I wanna back up here because there's a nugget here in verse 19, in the power of signs and wonders and the power of the spirit. So I can't wait to get to heaven and hear the stories that Paul went through, because he didn't write all these signs.
He's wrote a couple of them in here. There's a couple of stories in acts where there was miraculous signs, that I know you're very familiar with but for the most part, Paul does not highlight signs and wonders in the epistles and I think when we get to heaven, we're gonna have a lot of we're gonna be sitting around the campfire a lot, hearing a lot of stories from everybody. Jesus, for sure. Yeah. I know you take 23 through 27.
But now with no further place for me in these regions, and since I have had for many years a longing to come to you whenever I go to Spain, for I hope to see you in passing and to be helped on my way thereby you when I have first enjoyed your company for a while. But now I am going to Jerusalem serving the saints, for Macedonia and Achaea have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem. Yes, they were pleased to do so, and they are indebted to them. For if the Gentiles are shared in their spiritual things, they are indebted to minister to them also immaterial things. Yeah.
So he was on his way to Jerusalem, and James was the pastor there, in the church in Jerusalem there. Yep. And as you read in James, they were still under the law. The contribution level was pretty low. Right?
Because I don't know. Are you really gonna contribute to the message? You're still under the law. So, yeah, Paul had was going there to assist them, contributions to this Jerusalem church. Yes.
I mean, he had a gift for them from Macedonia, and he was taking it to the Jerusalem Christians and believers and helping the church out. They were struggling. Yes, sir. So 20 to 33, I'll just close here. So after I completed this task, I have made sure that they have received this contribution.
I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. I know that when I come to you, I will come in the full measure of the blessing of Christ. I urge you brothers and sisters by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the spirit to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Pray that I might be kept safe from the unbelievers in Judea. Mhmm.
And the contribution take to Jerusalem may be favorably received by the Lord's people there. So that I may come to you with joy by God's will, and in your company be refreshed. The God of peace be with you all. Amen. Thank you for listening to Grace Coach.
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